The purpose of this document is to describe the APIs used to interface with AdHawk’s Eye Tracking module.
Communication with the AdHawk Eye Tracking module can be accomplished via:
AdHawk API Communication protocol
C SDK, which is built on top of the communication protocol and communicates with the device directly over USB or SPI.
The communication packets consist of a packet type followed by zero or more data bytes:
Byte | Type | Description |
0 | uint8 | The packet type |
1… | … | Payload |
The control interface provides the ability to interact with AdHawk’s Eye Tracking module. The client/host initiates a command over the control interface by sending a request packet. The Control packets section describes the list of available commands that the client/host can request over the control interface.
A request to the control interface may take up to 8 seconds to complete. All requests to the control interface will receive a response, either containing the requested information, or containing the result of the request. The clients should only issue one request at a time.
The responses that contain the result of the request consist of a 1-byte integer, where 0 indicates no error and successful execution of the requested command, and a non-zero value denotes the nature of error encountered while servicing the request. See the return codes section for details.
AdHawk’s Eye Tracking module streams status and tracking data. Some streams like the tracker ready signal is always broadcasted. Other streams, such as the gaze vector stream, must be subscribed to.
The AdHawk Backend Service is the PC host component that communicates with AdHawk’s eye tracking hardware over USB, and allows multiple clients to interact with and receive data from the eye tracking module. In order to support multiple clients simultaneously, all communications between clients and the Backend Service is performed using UDP sockets. There are two sockets: control and data.
The control socket is constant, and is configured to 11032. The backend service is always listening on the control socket for client requests, and the responses to those requests are sent back to the source UDP port that was specified in the request packet.
The data socket is used to stream periodic eye tracking data to clients. Each client specifies its data port by sending a register endpoint packet to the control socket. The client data port may be the same as its control data port if desired.
Refer to the in the C SDK package
If communicating with the AdHawk Backend Service, a communication channel must be established over UDP. Start by registering as an endpoint by sending the register endpoint packet with the UDP port of the peer.
If using the Python SDK, this is handled by the FrontendApi and can be accomplished as follows:
import adhawkapi
import adhawkapi.frontend
def on_connect(error):
if not error:
print('Connected to AdHawk Backend Service')
def on_disconnect(error):
print('Disconnected from AdHawk Backend Service')
api = adhawkapi.frontend.FrontendApi()
api.start(connect_cb=on_connect, disconnect_cb=on_disconnect)
# Terminate communication
The C SDK only requires the AdHawk Backend Service when running in UDP mode. The USB and SPI modes communicate directly with the device and do not require the AdHawk Backend Service. The API initialization call will take care of all setup required depending on the specified mode. See ah_com.h
for details on how to connect in different modes
To tune the device, send the trigger autotune packet while the user is looking straight ahead. The response indicates whether the Auto-Tune procedure was successful.
The caller can optionally provide a reference gaze vector to trigger autotune for more accurate results. The reference gaze vector is a 3-dimensional vector representing the point in world space the user is looking at during the tuning procedure. It consists of an X, Y, and Z component (all values are expected to be in meters).
Once the tracker ready signal is received or get tracker status returns success, the device is ready to be calibrated.
Calibration is the process of mapping the eye tracking signal to an individual’s visual axis, which makes the eye tracking output meaningful for typical applications. To initiate the calibration procedure send a calibration start packet.
The calibration procedure consists of the collection of a set of X, Y, Z gaze references. The gaze references are collected by instructing the user to look at a prescribed point and signaling the registration of the calibration data point through a register calibration point packet. When registering a calibration data point, the client must instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module of the user’s expected gaze during the collection of the calibration point. The expected gaze is specified in the payload of the Register calibration data point packet. Note that a response of ‘Left Eye Not Found’ or ‘Right Eye Not Found’ can be treated as a warning in binocular operation, but ‘Eyes Not Found’ is an error.
After collecting the data points, send the calibration complete packet to indicate that no further points will be collected and that a new calibration should be generated.
Once the calibration complete packet is received the eye-tracking module will compute the calibration coefficients based on the correspondence of sensor data and gaze references. The AdHawk’s eye-tracking module will respond with a zero (0) return code for successful calibration, and a non-zero value if calibration fails. See the return codes section for details.
If calibration is successful, the device is capable of streaming the gaze vector stream and the pupil position stream.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
float x, y, z;
// As the eye moves and fixates on each point on the screen,
// register the position of the point
// get_reference_point(&x, &y, &z);
ah_api_calibrationRegisterPoint(x, y, z);
def grid_points(nrows, ncols, xrange=20, yrange=12.5, xoffset=0, yoffset=2.5):
'''Generates a grid of points based on range and number of rows/cols'''
zpos = -0.6 # typically 60cm to screen
# calculate x and y range for a xrange x yrange degree calibration window
xmin, xmax = np.tan(np.deg2rad([xoffset - xrange, xoffset + xrange])) * np.abs(zpos)
ymin, ymax = np.tan(np.deg2rad([yoffset - yrange, yoffset + yrange])) * np.abs(zpos)
cal_points = []
for ypos in np.linspace(ymin, ymax, nrows):
for xpos in np.linspace(xmin, xmax, ncols):
cal_points.append((xpos, ypos, zpos))
print(f'grid_points(): generated {nrows}x{ncols} points'
f' {xrange}x{yrange} deg box at {zpos}: {cal_points}')
return cal_points
npoints = 9
nrows = int(np.sqrt(npts))
reference_points = grid_points(nrows, nrows)
for point in reference_points:
# As the eye moves and fixates on each point on the screen,
# register the position of the point
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Currently not supported in c sdk
The calibration of gaze tracking can also be done with a graphical user interface provided by the AdHawk Backend Service that guides the user through the procedure. This API launches a built-in calibration screen provided by the AdHawk Backend service. The user needs to fixate at the center of a sequence of targets displayed on the screen and register the calibration samples. The GUI will be closed automatically at the end of the calibration. See Marker Sequence Procedures for more details about the packet.
Once the device is calibrated, to start receiving eye tracking data from the device, send a set stream control packet with the stream you want to enable and the rate at which you want to enable it. See Supported rates.
At this point, the device will start streaming packets to the registered endpoint. The format of the streamed packets are listed in the Data Streams section.
static void gazeDataCallback(void *data)
ah_gazeStreamData *gaze = data;
ah_api_setupStream(ah_streamType_Gaze, ah_streamRate_60Hz, gazeDataCallback);
Once a device has been calibrated, the calibration coefficients can be saved using the blobs framework. The blobs framework allows saving and restoring run-time configuration objects of the eye-tracking module.
Send a save blob packet with the blob type set to 1 (gaze calibration data). If the blob was saved successfully, a unique 32-bit identifier is returned in the response packet. The calibration can later be loaded by sending a load blob packet with this ID in the payload.
Python > Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Currently not supported in c sdk
While the main output of the gaze tracker is a stream of user’s gaze ray in 3d, the frontend can request a stream of (x, y) values as the projection of the gaze ray inside the image captured by the front-facing camera. This also assumes that the gaze tracker is already calibrated for the user.
To be able to see the gaze projection in the camera frame in realtime, you need to first start the camera. Once the camera is started and a success response code is received you can subscribe for the video stream. Starting the camera is needed for calculating the gaze projection based on the chosen image resolution, however you don’t necessarily need to subscribe for the video stream. Receiving the video stream only allows you to draw the image and overlay the gaze point on top of it.
In order to get the gaze-in-image stream you need to subscribe for the stream and enable that stream. Note that you don’t need to subscribe for the gaze vector for this but the rate you will receive the gaze-in-image stream is the same rate that is set for the gaze vector stream.
import adhawkapi.frontend
def handle_connect(error):
if not error:
# trigger camera start
api.start_camera_capture(camera_device_index, resolution_index, undistort_image, callback=handle_camera_start_response)
# register for gaze-in-image stream
api.set_stream_control(api.PacketType.GAZE_IN_IMAGE, 1, callback=(lambda *args: None))
def handle_camera_start_response(response):
if response:
print(f'camera start response: {response}')
def start_video_stream():
''' Start the video streaming '''
api.start_video_stream(*video_receiver.address, lambda *x: None)
def frame_handler(timestamp, frame_index, image_buf):
display the image and overlay the gaze_xy point
example decoder 1: decode the image using opencv
image = cv2.imdecode(np.frombuffer(image_buf, dtype=np.uint8), 1)
example decoder 2: decode the image in pyqtgraph
qt_img = QtGui.QPixmap()
qt_img.loadFromData(image_buf, 'JPEG')
def handle_gaze_in_image_data(_timestamp, gaze_img_x, gaze_img_y, _deg_to_pix_x, _deg_to_pix_y):
''' Simple handler that prints the gaze coordinates '''
global gaze_xy
gaze_xy = [gaze_img_x, gaze_img_y]
print(f'gaze coordinates in the image: {gaze_xy}')
def shutdown():
api.stop_video_stream(*video_receiver.address, lambda *x: None)
api.stop_camera_capture(lambda *_args: None)
gaze_xy = (0, 0)
# setup a video receiver
video_receiver = adhawkapi.frontend.VideoReceiver(frame_handler)
# define the camera properties
camera_device_index = 0
resolution_index = 0
undistort_image = False
# start
api = adhawkapi.frontend.FrontendApi()
api.register_stream_handler(adhawkapi.PacketType.GAZE_IN_IMAGE, handle_gaze_in_image_data)
# shutdown when you are done
Currently not supported in c sdk
The Adhawk head-mounted eye tracker estimates the user’s gaze in 3d (as well as the projection in the image), whereas majority of the table-mounted eye trackers estimate the gaze as a point inside the screen coordinate system. In order to project the gaze data estimated relative to the user’s head in 3d, onto the screen plane, the screen has to be located and tracked relative to the user’s head (a.k.a. screen tracking). This is done by tracking the screen in the image captured by the front-facing camera. While various methods can be used for tracking the screen, the Adhawk eye tracking module does this by tracking one or multiple Aruco markers displayed in the screen plane. This is done via OpenCV and taking advantage of the IMU sensor integrated on the Adhawk eye tracking glasses to track the head movements.
The first step you need to do before using the screen tracking feature is to prepare the screen setup as follows:
Figure below shows an example with 4 markers and the measurement to take.
In order to get the gaze-in-screen data, you need to register the aruco markers. Registering the screen markers can be done by sending a register screen command that defines your screen size, aruco dictionary, index of each marker (as defined in the dictionary), the position of the bottom-left corner of each maker in the screen coordinate system, as well as the size of each marker in meters. Multiple markers can be added to the same packet. After the registering the screen, enable screen tracking, and subscribe to the gaze-in-screen stream. The Adhawk eye tracking module will stream the estimated gaze position inside your screen coordinate system as (timestamp, x, y) values where the timestamp matches the timestamp of the corresponding gaze vector stream and the (x, y) are normalized float values (0-1) where (0,0) is the top-left corner and (1, 1) is the bottom-right corner of the screen.
import cv2
import adhawkapi
aruco_dictionary = cv2.aruco.DICT_5X5_50
sceen_size = (0.345, 0.195) # in meters
marker_size = 0.03 # in meters
marker_ids = [0, 1, 2, 3]
markers_pos = [[0.0, 0.12], [0.27, 0.12], [0.0, 0.0], [0.27, 0.0]]
api.register_screen_board(*sceen_size, aruco_dictionary, marker_ids,
[[pos[0], pos[1], marker_size] for pos in markers_pos])
def handler(*data):
timestamp, xpos, ypos = data
api.register_stream_handler(adhawkapi.PacketType.GAZE_IN_SCREEN, handler)
A calibration start command packet will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to reset the calibration table and prepare for a new calibration procedure.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x81 |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x81 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
A calibration complete command will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module that no further points will be collected and that a new calibration should be generated. Once the Calibration complete packet is received the eye-tracking module will compute the calibration coefficients based on the correspondence of sensor data and gaze references. The AdHawk’s eye-tracking module will respond with a zero (0) return code for successful calibration, and a non-zero value if calibration fails.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x82 |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x82 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
A calibration abort packet will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to discard all collected data for the new calibration, and restores the previous calibration.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x83 |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x83 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Once a target gaze point is established and the user is instructed to direct their gaze at the target, a calibration data point may be registered. Registering a data point requires the client to instruct the eye-tracking module of the intended gaze target such that a correspondence can be established between the user’s gaze and the sensor data.
AdHawk’s eye-tracking module will respond with a zero (0) return code if the calibration point is successfully registered. Otherwise, a non-zero payload will be returned indicating that a correspondence between the user’s gaze and sensor data could not be established.
X, Y and Z is the position of the point relative to the midpoint of the scanners. See AdHawk Coordinate System for details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x84 |
1-4 | float32 | X position in meters | |
5-8 | float32 | Y position in meters | |
9-12 | float32 | Z position in meters | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x84 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
When trigger scanner ranging is signaled, the eye-tracking module will perform an auto-tune function on all attached trackers. The eye-tracking module will respond with a zero (0) to indicate that scanner ranging successfully completed on both eyes. Otherwise, a non-zero payload will indicate which eye encountered a failure.
The endpoint also supports an optional reference gaze vector within the payload. This reference gaze vector is an estimate of the world space position (in meters) that the user is looking at during the tuning process. Providing a reference gaze vector will increase the overall accuracy of the tuning process. This reference should be supplied whenever possible.API
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x85 |
Optional Payload | 1-4 | float | X component of Reference Gaze Vector |
5-8 | float | Y component of Reference Gaze Vector | |
9-12 | float | Z component of Reference Gaze Vector | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x85 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Updates an existing calibration based on the specified calibration point. The payload of the calibration data point indicates the position of the gaze target.
X, Y and Z is the position of the point relative to the midpoint of the scanners. See AdHawk Coordinate System for details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x8f |
1-4 | float32 | X position in meters | |
5-8 | float32 | Y position in meters | |
9-12 | float32 | Z position in meters | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x8f |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Retrieves the current state of the eye-tracking module. A response value of zero (0) indicates that the tracker is calibrated and fully working.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x90 |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x90 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Note that this API returns the current tracker status, and will raise an exception in synchronous mode if the trackers are not ready.
We recommend registering for the tracker ready stream, which will notify any changes in the tracker status.
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to turn on the front-facing camera.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xd2 |
1-2 | uint16 | Camera device index | |
3-4 | uint16 | Image resolution index | |
5 | uint8 | Undistort image (only recommended when a wide angle lens is used on the camera) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xd2 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Currently not supported in c sdk
A stop command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to turn off the front-facing camera.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xd3 |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xd3 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
A command to subscribe to the video stream from the AdHawk front-facing camera. The receiver of the video needs to provide its IPv4 address and the port. See the example code in section Gaze In Image for how to setup a video receiver. Multiple receivers can subscribe to the video stream.Currently not supported in c sdk
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xd4 |
1-4 | bytes | IPv4 Address of the receiver | |
5-6 | uint16 | Port of the receiver | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xd4 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command to unsubscribe for the video steam of the front facing camera given the ip and the port information of an existing video receiver. See the example code in section Gaze In Image for how to setup a video receiver.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xd5 |
1-4 | bytes | IPv4 Address of the receiver | |
5-6 | uint16 | port Port of the receiver | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xd5 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Currently not supported in c sdk
A packet will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to reset any existing screen board defined for screen tracking and defines a new screen aruco board based on the given information. The packet includes the screen dimension (in meters), index of the aruco dictionary, and a set of markers (one or more) each defined by 3 float values indicating the bottom-left corner of the marker inside the board plane and the width of the marker. Multiple markers should be defined in the same packet. The coordinate system that is used to define the screen is located at the top-left corner of the screen with positive x axis toward the right and positive y axis upward. The bottom-left corner of each of the markers should be measured relative to that origin (in meters). Note that all the aruco markers should belong to the same aruco dictionary.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xda |
1-4 | float32 | Width of the physical screen in meters | |
5-8 | float32 | Height of the physical screen in meters | |
9-10 | uint16 | Index of a OpenCV aruco predefined dictionary | |
11-12 | uint16 | id of the aruco marker in the given dictionary | |
13-16 | float32 | X position of bottom-left corner of the marker in meters relative to the top-left corner of the screen | |
17-20 | float32 | Y position of bottom-left corner of the marker in meters relative to the top-left corner of the screen | |
21-24 | float32 | size (width) of the marker in meters | |
… repeat 11-24 for as many markers as there are being registered | |||
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xda |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to enable screen tracking once a screen has been registered.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xdb |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xdb |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to stop screen tracking.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xdc |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xdc |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
These functions use the appropriate commands detailed below.
Retrieves a run-time configuration object from the eye tracking module.
The client/host should get the size of the configuration object using get blob size command, and allocate the required buffer size to store the configuration content. Then, the client/host can get the blob data in chunks of max 25 bytes using the get blob data command until the entire configuration object is retrieved.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x92 |
1 | uint8 | Blob type | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x92 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2-3 | uint16 | The size of the blob |
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x92 |
1 | uint8 | Blob type | |
2-3 | uint16 | The size of the blob being written | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x92 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Applies a run-time configuration object to the eye tracking module.
The client/host should set the size of the configuration object using the set blob size command. This will cause the eye tracking module to allocate the required buffer size to store the configuration content.Then the client/host can set the blob data in chunks of max 25 bytes using the set blob data command until the entire configuration object is written.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x93 |
1 | uint8 | Blob type | |
2-3 | uint16 | The byte offset | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x93 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2.. | Blob data (max 25 bytes) |
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x93 |
1 | uint8 | Blob type | |
2-3 | uint16 | The byte offset | |
4.. | Blob data (max 25 bytes) | ||
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x93 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
def chunks(data):
'''Generator that breaks the data into chunks'''
size = len(data)
offset = 0
chunk_len = adhawkapi.defaults.BLOB_CHUNK_LEN
while (offset + chunk_len) <= size:
yield offset, data[offset:offset + chunk_len]
offset = offset + chunk_len
yield offset, data[offset:]
blob_type = adhawkapi.BlobType.CALIBRATION
for offset, chunk in chunks(data):
api.set_blob_data(blob_type, offset, chunk)
Applies a run-time configuration object to the eye tracking module. This is similar to writing a blob, except the data for the blob was previously saved to disk in the AdHawk Backend folder under cache as blob_<id>.bin
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x94 |
1 | uint8 | Blob type | |
2-5 | uint32 | ID of the blob to load | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x94 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Retrieves and saves a run-time configuration object from the eye tracking module. This is similar to reading a blob, except that the blob data is stored within the eye tracking module to disk in the AdHawk Backend folder under cache as blob_
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x95 |
1 | uint8 | Blob type | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x95 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2-5 | uint32 | ID of the saved blob |
Get the center of the scan range. The returned values will be non-zero only if a trigger autotune command completed successfully or if the values were manually set through set autotune position
In the case of monocular operation, 0xFFFF
will be returned for the X mean and Y mean of the inactive eye
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | 0x01 | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x01 | |
3-4 | uint16 | X mean (right eye), valid range is 0 - 100 | |
5-6 | uint16 | Y mean (right eye), valid range is 0 - 100 | |
7-8 | uint16 | X mean (left eye), valid range is 0 - 100 | |
9-10 | uint16 | Y mean (left eye), valid range is 0 - 100 |
Set the center of the scan range.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9b |
1 | uint8 | 0x01 | |
2-3 | uint16 | X mean (right eye), valid range is 0 - 100 | |
4-5 | uint16 | Y mean (right eye), valid range is 0 - 100 | |
6-7 | uint16 | X mean (left eye), valid range is 0 - 100 | |
7-8 | uint16 | Y mean (left eye), valid range is 0 - 100 | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9b |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x01 |
Control the rate of a data stream. Setting the rate to 0 disables the stream.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9b |
1 | uint8 | 0x02 | |
2-5 | uint32 | Stream control bitmask | |
6-9 | float32 | Stream rate in Hz. A value of 0 will disable the stream. See Supported rates | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9b |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x02 |
Example: Sending
0x9b, 0x02, 1 << 3, 60
enables the gaze stream and sets its rate to 60Hz. Sending0x9b, 0x02, 1 << 3, 0
disables the gaze stream.
Get the current rate of a data stream
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | 0x02 | |
0-3 | uint32 | Stream control bitmask (Only a single stream is allowed) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x02 | |
3-6 | float | Stream rate in Hz |
Example: Sending
0x9a, 0x02, 1 << 3
will return0x9a, 0x0, 0x2, 60
indicating that the rate for the gaze stream is currently 60 Hz.
Get the currently configured component offsets. Component offsets can be used if the scanners are not in their nominal position. The offset is the position of the scanner relative to its nominal position. See AdHawk Coordinate System for details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | 0x04 | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x04 | |
3-6 | float | right eye component offset x in millimeters | |
7-10 | float | right eye component offset y in millimeters | |
11-14 | float | right eye component offset z in millimeters | |
15-18 | float | left eye component offset x in millimeters | |
19-22 | float | left eye component offset y in millimeters | |
23-26 | float | left eye component offset z in millimeters |
Configure the component offsets. Component offsets can be used if the scanners are not in their nominal position. The offset is the position of the scanner relative to its nominal position. See AdHawk Coordinate System for details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | 0x04 | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x04 | |
3-6 | float | right eye component offset x in millimeters | |
7-10 | float | right eye component offset y in millimeters | |
11-14 | float | right eye component offset z in millimeters | |
15-18 | float | left eye component offset x in millimeters | |
19-22 | float | left eye component offset y in millimeters | |
23-26 | float | left eye component offset z in millimeters |
Enable or disable an event stream.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9b |
1 | uint8 | 0x05 | |
2-5 | uint32 | Event control bitmask | |
6 | uint8 | 0x01 to enable, 0x00 to disable | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9b |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x05 |
Get the currently enabled event streams
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | 0x05 | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x02 | |
3-6 | uint32 | Event control bitmask |
Get the latest estimate of the eye offsets as measured from the nominal eye. The returned values will be valid only if a trigger autotune command completed successfully.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | 0x04 | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9a |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x04 | |
3-6 | float32 | right eye x offset in millimeters | |
7-10 | float32 | right eye y offset in millimeters | |
11-14 | float32 | right eye z offset in millimeters | |
15-18 | float32 | left eye x offset in millimeters | |
19-22 | float32 | left eye y offset in millimeters | |
23-26 | float32 | left eye z offset in millimeters |
Either enable or disable eye tracking
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0x9c |
1 | uint8 | 0x01 | |
2 | uint8 | 0 to disable eye tracking, 1 to enable eye tracking | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0x9c |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x01 |
Begin a device calibration, which runs on all active trackers and restores tuning configurations to factory values. A response value of zero (0) indicates that the calibration has started successfully.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x01 (device calibration procedure) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x01 |
Retrieves the state of the current device calibration. If the calibration has not encountered an error, the returned value is an integer which indicates the progress of the current calibration, ranging from [0, 100], where 100 indicates the calibration has completed successfully.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb1 |
1 | uint8 | 0x01 (device calibration procedure) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb1 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x01 | |
3 | uint8 | progress percentage |
Begin a firmware update. A response value of zero (0) indicates that the update has started successfully.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x02 (Update firmware procedure) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x02 |
Retrieves the state of the current firmware update. If the update has not encountered an error, the returned value is an integer which indicates the progress of the update, ranging from [0, 100], where 100 indicates the update has completed successfully.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb1 |
1 | uint8 | 0x02 (Update firmware procedure) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb1 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x02 | |
3 | uint8 | progress percentage |
Launch a calibration GUI provided by the AdHawk Backend Service to guide the user through a calibration procedure.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x03 (Calibration procedure) | |
2 | uint8 | Marker sequence mode | |
3 | uint8 | Number of calibration points | |
4-7 | float32 | Size of the marker in millimeter | |
8 | uint8 | Randomize the sequence | |
9-12 | float32 | Horizontal grid span in degrees of field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
13-16 | float32 | Vertical grid span in degrees of field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
17-20 | float32 | Horizontal shift of the grid in the user’s field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
21-24 | float32 | Vertical shift of the grid in the user’s field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x03 |
Not supported
Launch a validation GUI provided by the AdHawk Backend Service to guide the user through a validation procedure.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x04 (Validation procedure) | |
2 | uint8 | Marker sequence mode | |
3 | uint8 | Number of rows in the grid | |
4 | uint8 | Number of columns in the grid | |
5-8 | float32 | Size of the marker in millimeter | |
9 | uint8 | Randomize the sequence | |
10-13 | float32 | Horizontal grid span in degrees of field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
14-17 | float32 | Vertical grid span in degrees of field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
18-21 | float32 | Horizontal shift of the grid in the user’s field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
22-25 | float32 | Vertical shift of the grid in the user’s field of view (only for fixed-gaze modes) | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x04 |
Not supported
Perform the autotune. A GUI is displayed to quickly tune the device.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x05 (Autotune procedure) | |
2 | uint8 | Marker sequence mode | |
3-6 | float32 | Size of the marker in millimeter | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x05 |
Not supported
Perform the quick-start procedure. A GUI is displayed to quickly tune and calibrate the device.
Only supported when using the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x06 (Quick Start procedure) | |
2 | uint8 | Marker sequence mode | |
3-6 | float32 | Size of the marker in millimeter | |
7 | uint8 | returning user | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xb0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code | |
2 | uint8 | 0x06 |
Not supported
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to set various camera-related settings used when calculating the Gaze-in-image or used when running the calibration/validation GUI provided by the AdHawk Backend Service that relies on the front-facing camera.
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to set the default gaze depth used when projecting the user’s gaze into the camera image. If not provided, the system uses a default value of 60 cm.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xd0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x01 Camera user settings | |
2-5 | float32 | gaze depth in meters | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xd0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to enable or disable the parallax correction when projecting the user’s gaze into the camera image. If not provided, the system enables the parallax correction by default.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xd0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x02 Camera user settings | |
2 | uint8 | enable (1) or disable (0) the parallax correction | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xd0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Currently not supported in c sdk
A command packet that will instruct AdHawk’s eye-tracking module to set the sampling duration used during calibration or validation done by the GUI provided by the AdHawk Backend Service. If not provided, the system uses a default value of 500 ms.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xd0 |
1 | uint8 | 0x03 | |
2-3 | uint16 | Sampling duration in milliseconds Camera user settings | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xd0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Register as an endpoint to start communication with the AdHawk Backend Service.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xc0 |
1 | uint32 | The UDP port of the peer | |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xc0 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
The packet construction is handled within the start()
function of the frontendApi()
Deregister as an endpoint to stop communication with the AdHawk Backend Service
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xc2 |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xc2 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
Must be used to ping the AdHawk backend service to indicate that the frontend is still alive, and to verify that the backend service is still reachable. Should be sent every 2s. This is automatically handled within the Python and C SDKs.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Request | 0 | uint8 | 0xc5 |
Response | 0 | uint8 | 0xc5 |
1 | uint8 | Return code |
passed into start is executed if the pings aren’t successful
The tracker ready packet type is an asynchronous status packet that is transmitted by AdHawk’s eye-tracking module when the system is ready to receive calibration commands. Once the tracker ready signal packet is received, the client/host system may go through a calibration process (send Calibration start, followed by Register calibration data point, and finally Calibration complete).
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x02 |
X, Y and Z are the estimated coordinates of the user’s gaze point relative to the midpoint of the scanners. Vergence is the angle between left and right eye gaze vectors. See AdHawk Coordinate System for details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x03 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start in seconds | |
5-8 | float32 | X position in meters | |
9-12 | float32 | Y position in meters | |
13-16 | float32 | Z position in meters | |
17-20 | float32 | Vergence Angle in radians |
X, Y and Z are coordinates of the pupil relative to the point between the center of the two (left and right) scanners. See AdHawk Coordinate System for details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x04 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start in seconds | |
5-8 | float32 | X position of right pupil in millimeters | |
9-12 | float32 | Y position of right pupil in millimeters | |
13-16 | float32 | Z position of right pupil in millimeters | |
17-20 | float32 | X position of left pupil in millimeters | |
21-24 | float32 | Y position of left pupil in millimeters | |
25-28 | float32 | Z position of left pupil in millimeters |
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x04 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start in seconds | |
5-8 | float32 | X position of active pupil in millimeters | |
9-12 | float32 | Y position of active pupil in millimeters | |
13-16 | float32 | Z position of active pupil in millimeters |
The stream indicating the diameter of the pupil in millimeters
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x04 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start in seconds | |
5-8 | float32 | Diameter of right pupil in millimeters | |
9-12 | float32 | Diameter of left pupil in millimeters |
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x04 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start in seconds | |
5-8 | float32 | Diameter of active pupil in millimeters |
X, Y and Z are the coordinates of a unit vector relative to the center of each eye. See AdHawk Coordinate System for details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x06 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start in seconds | |
5-8 | float32 | X component of right eye gaze unit vector | |
9-12 | float32 | Y component of right eye gaze unit vector | |
13-16 | float32 | Z component of right eye gaze unit vector | |
17-20 | float32 | X component of left eye gaze unit vector | |
21-24 | float32 | Y component of left eye gaze unit vector | |
25-28 | float32 | Z component of left eye gaze unit vector |
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x06 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start in seconds | |
5-8 | float32 | X component of active eye gaze unit vector | |
9-12 | float32 | Y component of active eye gaze unit vector | |
13-16 | float32 | Z component of active eye gaze unit vector |
This stream provides the (x, y) coordinates of the gaze projection in the camera image (see Image Coordinate System). The degree to pixels conversion coefficients are also included in the stream which are two values that indicate the equivalent pixel size (in the image) of a 1 degree of visual angle at the current gaze position.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x07 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
5-8 | float32 | x coordinate in the image | |
9-12 | float32 | y coordinate in the image | |
13-16 | float32 | x degree to pixels | |
17-20 | float32 | y degree to pixels |
def handler(*data):
timestamp, xpos, ypos, xdegtopix, ydegtopix = data
# use degtopix values to draw a gaze marker of a size equivalent to k degrees of visual angle. For example:
# marker_size_deg = 1
# marker_width_pixel = marker_size_deg * xdegtopix
# marker_height_pixel = marker_size_deg * ydegtopix
api.register_stream_handler(adhawkapi.PacketType.GAZE_IN_IMAGE, handler)
api.set_stream_control(adhawkapi.PacketType.GAZE_IN_IMAGE, 1)
This stream provides normalized (x, y) coordinates of the gaze inside the screen that was defined by a set of aruco markers. x and y are float values (0-1) where (0,0) is the top-left corner and (1, 1) is the bottom-right corner of the screen. See Register Screen Aruco Board for more details.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x07 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
5-8 | float32 | normalized x coordinate in the screen (value 0-1) | |
9-12 | float32 | normalized y coordinate in the screen (value 0-1) |
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x17 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
5-8 | float32 | Gyro x (mdps) | |
9-12 | float32 | Gyro y (mdps) | |
13-16 | float32 | Gyro z (mdps) | |
17-20 | float32 | Accelerometer x (mg) | |
21-24 | float32 | Accelerometer y (mg) | |
25-28 | float32 | Accelerometer z (mg) |
Byte | Type | Description | |
Stream | 0 | uint8 | 0x19 |
1-4 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
5-8 | float32 | X component of the rotation vector | |
9-12 | float32 | Y component of the rotation vector | |
13-16 | float32 | Z component of the rotation vector |
Currently only available in UDP mode with backend
Consists of 3 different events: Combined-eye blink event Per-eye eye close event Per-eye eye open event
Combined-eye blink event when the user’s blink is detected on both eyes. More specifically, the blink event indicates the time window where both left and right blink events overlap in time. This event is triggered as soon as any of the closed eyes is opened.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Event | 0 | uint8 | 0x18 |
1 | uint8 | 0x1 (Blink) | |
2-5 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
6-9 | float32 | Duration in ms |
Eye close event indicating that the eye (specified in the eye index) is closed.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Event | 0 | uint8 | 0x18 |
1 | uint8 | 0x2 (Eye Closed) | |
2-5 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
6 | uint8 | Eye index (right=0, left=1) |
Eye open event indicating that the eye (specified in the eye index) is opened.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Event | 0 | uint8 | 0x18 |
1 | uint8 | 0x3 (Eye Opened) | |
2-5 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
6 | uint8 | Eye index (right=0, left=1) |
Event indicating a trackloss of an eye. Prolonged blinks (exceeding the defined maximum duration of the blink) may be detected as trackloss.
Indicating the beginning of a trackloss event.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Event | 0 | uint8 | 0x18 |
1 | uint8 | 0x4 (Track lost) | |
2-5 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
6 | uint8 | Eye index (right=0, left=1) |
Indicating the end of a trackloss event triggered as soon as the eye features are detected.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Event | 0 | uint8 | 0x18 |
1 | uint8 | 0x5 (Eye detected) | |
2-5 | float32 | Timestamp since system start | |
6 | uint8 | Eye index (right=0, left=1) |
Combined-eye saccade event when a saccade is detected on both eyes. More specifically, the saccade event indicates the time window where both left and right saccade events overlap in time. This event is triggered as soon as the saccade in any of the eyes ends.
Byte | Type | Description | |
Event | 0 | uint8 | 0x18 |
1 | uint8 | 0x6 (Saccade) | |
2-5 | float32 | Timestamp (since system start) of the end of the saccade | |
6-9 | float32 | Duration (ms) | |
10-13 | float32 | Amplitude (deg) |
Response | Description |
0 | Request successful |
1 | Internal failure |
2 | Invalid argument |
3 | Tracker not ready |
4 | No eyes detected |
5 | Right eye not detected |
6 | Left eye not detected |
7 | Not calibrated |
8 | Not supported |
11 | Request Timeout |
12 | Unexpected Response |
13 | Hardware Fault |
14 | Camera Fault |
15 | System Busy |
16 | Communication Error |
17 | Device Calibration Required |
typedef enum
} ah_result;
class AckCodes(enum.IntEnum):
'''List of acknowledgement payload values'''
BUSY = 15
Bit | Stream Type |
1 | Pupil position |
2 | Pupil diameter |
3 | Gaze |
4 | Per Eye Gaze |
31 | IMU |
Bit | Stream Type |
0 | Blink |
1 | Eye open / close |
2 | Trackloss start / end |
3 | Saccade |
7 | External Trigger |
Blob Type | Description |
1 | Gaze calibration data |
The current listed of supported stream rates are: 5, 30, 60, 125, 200, 250, 333, 500
Resolution index | Description |
0 | Low |
1 | Medium |
2 | High |
Procedure Type | Description |
1 | Device calibration |
2 | Firmware update |
3 | Backend service built-in calibration procedure with GUI |
4 | Backend service built-in validation procedure with GUI |
5 | Backend service built-in autotune procedure with GUI |
6 | Backend service built-in quickstart procedure with GUI |
The marker sequence GUI used during the backend gaze calibration procedure Marker Sequence Procedures can be launched in 4 modes (fixed-head or fixed-gaze modes where each can be either single marker or 4-markers). All of these modes show a set of visual markers in the screen and a small target for the user to fixate on when taking samples.
Mode index | Name |
0 | Fixed-head |
1 | Fixed-gaze |
2 | Fixed-head with 4 markers |
3 | Fixed-gaze with 4 markers |
Fixed-head: A sequence of markers with a fixation target at the center will be shown on the screen and the user needs to look at the center of the target (while keeping their head still) and register a sample by pressing one of enter, return, or space keys.
Fixed-gaze: A sequence of markers will be shown at the center of the screen as well as an outline shape that moves on the screen as the user rotates their head. The user needs to align the outline shape with the target at the center while fixating at the center of the target. The user can then register the calibration sample by pressing the space key.
4-marker modes: The sampling procedure in these modes are identical to their corresponding above-mentioned modes. The only difference is that 4 markers will be displayed at the 4 corners of the screen, and they are separated from the fixation target. Use the 4-marker modes if the user finds focusing on the center of the aruco marker distracting.
Various camera-related settings used when calculating the Gaze-in-image or when running the built-in Calibration GUI provided by the AdHawk Backend Service (which relies on the camera).
Setting index | Description |
1 | Gaze depth |
2 | Parallax correction |
3 | Sampling duration |
In the Python SDK, you can chose to make the API calls blocking or non-blocking. To perform a non-blocking operation, provide a callback function as a parameter to be executed when the operation is complete. This mode of operation is useful for GUI applications. If a callback function is not provided, the call blocks till a response is received and returns the response on success or raises an exception on failure.
In the AdHawk coordinate system X, Y and Z are coordinates relative to a particular origin where:
The origin is specific to the stream or command and is the same whether operating in monocular or binocular mode. In general the origin is either:
Stream | Origin |
Gaze Vector | Midpoint of scanners |
Pupil Position | Midpoint of scanners |
Per-Eye Gaze Vector | Center of eye |
In the image coordinate system, X and Y are coordinates relative to the top-left corner of the image where:
In the image coordinate system, X and Y are coordinates relative to the top-left corner of the screen where: